
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Chikungunya is a disease modification of dengue fever. The disease is often found on the continent of Africa, India and Southeast Asia.

Chikungunya is caused by a virus group arbovirus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes assistance. Typical symptoms of this disease is the occurrence of severe arthritis or arthritis.

Chikungunya fever epidemic first became about the year 1952 - 1953 in East Africa. Chikungunya virus, including type-borne arthropods (arbovirus) that are classified into the family Togaviridae, genus alphaviruses.

Humans infected with chikungunya virus of aedes aegypti mosquito assistance. Transmission should be via an intermediary mosquito can not between humans. Epidemics of this disease similar to dengue fever and yellow fever.

Chikungunya fever symptoms appear suddenly, which is characterized by fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pains and rashes on the skin. Unlike dengue fever, chikungunya fever in lighter coupled with severe joint pain. Chikungunya fever is rarely fatal or deadly.

Treatment of this disease is only supportive treatment is given or on the basis of presenting symptoms.

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