
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Serious Problems In Women's Sexual Disorders

Serious Problems In Women's Sexual Disorders
Irregular menstrual cycles or occasional whitish sometimes considered a matter of course by women. But recognize the 6 symptoms of sexual health disorders that should not be ignored women.

"Although some things are normal processes, such as pain that occurs when ovulation. But symptoms such as pelvic pain, itching or other symptoms can be a serious thing," said Holly Puritz, MD, FACOG, an obstetrician from the Group for Women in Norfolk, as quoted by WebMD, Thursday (05/26/2011).

Some gynecologic symptoms that appear sometimes confuse someone. The following symptoms indicate a serious sexual health problems and need to get help are:

1. Pelvic pain
If pelvic pain persists and causes discomfort, although the fertile period is gone, then this condition is suspect. Usually the doctor will suspect the condition of benign uterine fibroids and endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease which is usually accompanied by vaginal discharge and fever.

In some cases, pelvic pain strong and suddenly had to be overcome, might be caused by a ruptured cyst or ovarian bleeding that trigger pain.

2. Irregular bleeding
Generally, the use of birth control pills can cause blood spots, but not serious. However, if the bleeding or spotting that appear irregularly and last more than 1-2 months then try inspected. Other irregular bleeding also include menstruation more than 2 weeks, 2 times a month menstruation and bleeding after sex.

This condition can be caused by multifactorial, including uterine fibroids, polyps, infection of the cervix and also disturbances in thyroid hormone. If bleeding occurs after menopause, before puberty or during pregnancy it should alert you.

3. Abnormal vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge is normal, but if accompanied by a strong scent, a lot of fluid, itching, burning, irritation, unusual colors and even with blood it would not be overlooked. This condition can be caused by fungal infection, trichomonas and bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Itch
Itching in the vaginal area is sometimes considered a trivial matter. But if the itch is already very disturbing, there is a change of skin, white spots appear on the vulva it should alert you. This condition can be called with lichen sclerosus who require medical treatment.

5. Vaginal dryness
This condition usually occurs in breastfeeding mothers or female menopause can trigger pain during sex. In addition, vaginal dryness can cause blood spots and also become more susceptible to infection.

6. Sores or lumps
Sores in the genital area can become a serious, such as herpes or cancer. Symptoms of vulvar cancer include unusual lumps like warts and red, flat wound that never healed and the wound sometimes scaly or discolored.

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