
Monday, May 30, 2011

Symptoms of Glaucoma Blindness Frequently Ignored

Symptoms of Glaucoma Blindness Frequently Ignored
Roads are often stumble, fall and often crashing are the symptoms of glaucoma are often ignored until it can cause permanent blindness. Symptoms are not many realize making this disease earned the nickname 'the thief of sight'.

"Glaucoma does not affect the light dark vision (such as cataracts or eye minus) but affect the visual field. So people are not aware of glaucoma, they still can read, can see the light, but his views increasingly narrow field. So-called 'the thief of sight," explained Dr Surya Utama, SPM, Eka Hospital Eye Specialists of Pekanbaru, on the sidelines of Eka Hospital Clients Gathering at Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Thursday (19/05/2011).

Glaucoma is a condition of optic nerve damage is accompanied by a reduced field of view, this is related to several factors, one of which caused a high eye pressure.

According to Dr Surya, normal eye pressure is about 10-20 mmHg, if his eye ball pressure exceeds this limit or above 30-40 mmHg, the risk of glaucoma that can lead to permanent blindness.

"People who have glaucoma field the longer view will be more narrow, so as people see using binoculars. Yes, like a horse wearing sunglasses," said Dr Surya, completed her doctor of education in UB's Medical Faculty.

Dr Surya explained because many are not aware of the symptoms of glaucoma, early detection is needed to prevent permanent blindness.

"Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness is high in the world, not only in Indonesia. For that we need early detection to prevent blindness," said Dr Surya.

World Health Organization (WHO) said that as much as 90 percent of cases of glaucoma in developing countries is not detected. This is due to detection of glaucoma disease is quite difficult and requires active participation from the community and support from health services and government.

Here are some of the symptoms of glaucoma are often overlooked as mentioned by Dr. Surya:
  •     Roads often-crashing crashing
  •     Often stumble
  •     Can still see a bright but narrow visual field becomes so could not see the right-left or top-down
  •     Narrow vision which makes sufferers like a horse wearing glasses, if it is severe even like to see using the binoculars.
What causes glaucoma?

"The biggest reason is the anatomical abnormalities, including congenital defects (birth) or complications of eye disease or eye surgery," said Dr Surya.

A complete Dr. Surya also said another cause of glaucoma, namely:
  •     Heredity (genetic) that contribute 30-40 percent
  •     Anatomical abnormalities, because the angle of the eye is too narrow so that the eye pressure is high.
  •     Trauma
  •     Age
  •     Complications in eye surgery.
"Babies can also get called buphthalmos glaucoma (glaucoma in infants). This is usually due to anatomical abnormalities, inborn because the corners of his eyes narrow," explained Dr Surya.

Although it can cause blindness in late cases handled, but Dr Surya said that in many cases of glaucoma can be cured, for example by using a laser, a new eye channel operation or installation of the implant tool. 

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