
Friday, May 27, 2011

Different Stomach Ulcer Pain and Abdominal Pain Tipes

Different Stomach Ulcer Pain and Abdominal Pain Tipes
Symptoms of typhoid fever and stomach ulcers have the equation that feels pain and nausea and vomiting. As a result many people the wrong prediction was mistaken for heartburn got typhoid. Know the difference abdominal pain and abdominal pain typhoid ulcer.

Specialists in internal medicine dr Dante Saksono H SpPD, PhD said if the heartburn no change in the pattern of BAB (bowel movement), body heat and the pain does not occur in the upper abdomen or uluhati. As for the typhus abdominal pain in the left because there's 12 fingers experiencing intestinal infection.

"Typhus is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract so that sometimes symptoms abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In people with typhoid fever usually accompanied by changes in pattern of bowel movement," says Dr. Dante Saksono H SpPD, PhD detikHealth when contacted on Friday (27 / 5 / 2011).

Infections that occur in the intestine caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. These bacteria derived from food contaminated by feces or feces of people previously exposed to typhus. While heartburn is a symptom of a disease that attacks the stomach due to injury or inflammation that causes heartburn and tenderness in the abdomen.

Another feature that became typical symptoms of typhoid disease but does not occur at the ulcer is:

1. Typhoid disease is usually accompanied by fever or body heat. Generally, if the heat then his heart rate will increase by 10 percent every time there is an increase in body temperature by 1 degree celsius, but it is not the case for typhoid fever.

"In people who get typhoid pulse actually slows down. This is because there is a toxin (poison) of typhoid germs that cause such reactions," said the doctor who is also member of the Indonesian Association of Physicians Internal Medicine (PAPDI).

2. In the middle of typhoid tongue is white and red edges, and if she sticks out her tongue would happen tremors (shaking his tongue.)

3. In the typhus will be accompanied by changes in the pattern of BAB (bowel movement), for example, may experience alternating diarrhea alone or even be unable to defecate.
Stomach ulcer Different Pain and Abdominal Pain Tipes

Symptoms of typhoid fever and stomach ulcers have the equation That feels pain and nausea and vomiting. As a result many people the wrong prediction was mistaken for heartburn got typhoid. Know the difference abdominal pain and abdominal pain typhoid ulcer.

Specialists in internal medicine dr Dante Saksono H SpPD, PhD said if the heartburn no change in the pattern of BAB (bowel movement), body heat and the pain does not occur in the upper abdomen or uluhati. As for the typhus abdominal pain in the left Because there's 12 fingers experiencing intestinal infection.

"Typhus is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract so That Sometimes symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In people with typhoid fever usually accompanied by changes in pattern of bowel movement," says Dr. Dante Saksono H SpPD, PhD detikHealth Pls contacted on Friday (27 / 5 / 2011).

That Infections occur in the intestine the caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. These bacteria derived from food contaminated by feces or feces of people Previously exposed to typhoid. While heartburn is a symptom of a disease That attacks the stomach due to injury or inflammation That causes heartburn and tenderness in the abdomen.

That Became Another feature typical symptoms of typhoid disease, but does not occur at the ulcer is:

1. Typhoid disease is usually accompanied by fever or body heat. Generally, if the heat will from then his heart rate increase is by 10 percent every time there is an increase is in body temperature by 1 degree celsius, but it is not the case for typhoid fever.

"In people get typhoid WHO Actually pulse slows down. This is Because there is a toxin (poison) of typhoid germs That Such reactions cause," said the Doctor Who is Also a member of the Indonesian Association of Physicians Internal Medicine (PAPDI).

2. In the middle of typhoid tongue is white and red edges, and if she sticks out her tongue Would Happen tremors (shaking his tongue.)

3. In the typhoid will from be accompanied by changes in the pattern of BAB (bowel movement), for example, may experience alternating diarrhea alone or even be Unable to defecate.

All three of these symptoms are not present in ulcer Patients. So if you feel sick stomach but there are Signs above does not mean you get an ulcer. Should Immediately consult a doctor to get the exact diagnosis, it is Because the disease typhoid fever cans not be underestimated and if not properly cans handheld dangerous.Anda some abdominal pain but no sign of the above does not mean you get an ulcer. Should immediately consult a doctor to get the exact diagnosis, it is because the disease typhoid fever can not be underestimated and if not handled properly can be dangerous.

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