
Friday, May 27, 2011

Sex Disease Rises As Believers Sex Myths

Sex Disease Rises As Believers Sex Myths
One of the reasons why sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or venereal disease is spreading rapidly because of the many myths about STDs circulating in the community. At least there are 4 myths are often believed the PMS. Anything?

The myths that circulate in the community can give the wrong information and make the spread of venereal disease or venereal disease more and more.

Here are 4 myths about venereal disease is most often circulated in the community, as reported by Lifemojo, Friday (05/26/2011):

1. Myth, venereal disease can not be transmitted through oral sex
This myth actually makes people happy, because it began to believe that oral sex is an avenue that could be used to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

But the fact remains venereal disease can be transmitted through oral sex. HIV, HPV (causes genital warts), gonorrhea (gonorrhea), chlamydia, syphilis and hepatitis can all be transmitted orally (by mouth). Such diseases can be transmitted through all forms of sexual contact, including vaginal, anal and oral.

2. Myth, oral contraceptives (birth control pills) to prevent venereal disease
In fact, birth control pills and oral contraceptives (the drunk) function to control and adjust the spacing, not to prevent transmission of venereal disease. Contraceptives that can prevent transmission of venereal diseases is the condom, whereas birth control pills can not.

3. Myth, all showing symptoms of venereal disease can be seen immediately after infection
This is absolutely untrue and this is one of the main reasons why people end up ignoring the symptoms of venereal disease in the future.

Sometimes, infections can occur without external symptoms initially, such as syphilis. Symptoms and effects can then begin to appear after a period of time (approximately six weeks).

If you have sex without a condom, you should immediately consult a doctor just to make sure that you clean (not infected), because if not some of the symptoms can quickly begin to appear and can aggravate the condition. Even the symptoms of gonorrhea (gonorrhea) are usually similar to a bladder infection, so take a medical consultation.

4. Myth, all infectious diseases can be cured
This myth can be misleading and make most people underestimate the sexually transmitted disease. Not all sexually transmitted diseases can be cured, because there are some diseases such as HIV / AIDS and other HPV infections are incurable or can not be cured in its entirety.

HPV infection can be treated with a temporary way, but the recurrent nature of infection can therefore not be completely eliminated.

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